Yaz Yarışları / Summer Races 2023

Date : 01-07-2023 - 31-08-2023

Location : Koşuya Uygun Her Yer



Summer Run 1K+

01-07-2023 / 31-08-2023

Quota Left : 369

0 ₺



Yarışmacı İlişkileri

+90530 969 4649


All Activities
Registered participants

1. Race courses have been designed with the participants' safety in mind. As a participant, I acknowledge that complete elimination of risks in running events is not possible, and I agree to fully comply with the rules conveyed and announced by the race organization to ensure maximum safety.

2. Since the race will take place in public areas, I accept that as a participant, I am obligated to adhere to general traffic and societal rules.

3. Acting outside the organization's rules, entering dangerous or prohibited areas, and causing harm to the safety of third parties or institutions during the race are prohibited and entirely my responsibility; the race organizing committee and sponsors cannot be held responsible.

4. Individuals restricted from physical activity by a doctor are advised to consult their physicians. Participation in this race is not advisable for those who have restrictions on aerobic exertion, require constant supervision, suffer from epilepsy, or have a fear of heights. I declare that I have no medical impediments to participate in this race and that I am physically fit for this run.

5. I give permission for all kinds of videos, photographs, audio, and similar recordings and documents taken during the organization to be used for all legal purposes, including advertising.

6. I accept responsibility for providing accurate and up-to-date information during registration and give permission to be contacted via email, address, and phone regarding the competition.

7. I consent to the publication of my name, surname, country, age, club/company information by the organization on their websites, social media, and in the press for informational, commercial, and marketing purposes.

8. I acknowledge that I have allowed Macera Akademisi to send informational emails and text messages about current and future events.

9. By signing this document, I, on my behalf and on behalf of my heirs, executives, personal and legal representatives, hereby acknowledge that the organizers, personnel involved in the organization, sponsors, and representatives of the organization will not be held liable for any injuries, losses, or damages that may occur during the "#yaris" race, before or after the race activities. I confirm that I have read and accepted the Race Rules and that I have no medical impediments to participate in this race and that I am physically fit for this run.

As the legal guardian of my child, I approve their participation in the "#yaris" race organized by Macera Akademisi, and I agree to all the terms and conditions stated on the race website and the REGISTRATION FORM.